Turn Back Time with Botox
Smooth away wrinkles revealing your youth with Botox. Botox from Allergan is an easy way to reduce wrinkles with no down time. Treatments should be done 3-4 months to prevent deeper wrinkles from forming. Schedule a free consultation or book an appointment today.
Key Features
- Fast and Easy appointments
- No down time
- Helps reduce dynamic wrinkles
- Get it every 3-4 months
- Prevents deeper wrinkles from forming
- Promotes a natural younger look
- Highest patient satisfaction scores
- Predictable results
Before & After
Stops muscle movement and helps reduce static and dynamic wrinkles.
Botox lasts around 4 months so it’s recommended to have this done 3 times a year.
Most people get botox when they notice wrinkles forming on the face. Some people start in their 20’s and others in their 60’s. The idea is to prevent the deeper and coarser wrinkles from forming. Prevention is the key.
Botox is traditionally used on the face in 3 areas. Forehead, between eyebrows (elevens), and outer eyes (crows feet). It has also been used on other places of the face and neck with positive results.
Botox typically stings when being injected but resolves quickly.
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